Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Handy Kitchen Tip #1: Easy-To-Peel Hard Boiled Eggs

I eat a lot of hard boiled eggs, at least one a day.  As you know, I'm currently dairy-free and I struggle to find easy ways to get my protein in and eggs fill that requirement nicely.  Plus, they're yummy.

However, peeling hard boiled eggs can be a pain in the ass, especially if you're peeling a lot of them to make Deviled Eggs (I make a mean Deviled Egg; recipe coming at some point).  I actually sliced my finger open on an egg shell a while back, which I didn't even know was possible.

Then I stumbled across a suggestion (on Pinterest, go figure) that suggested putting baking soda in the water while boiling eggs and it would make them easier the peel.  So, I set out to test this out.

Dump that shit in!

Yup, it works.  The peels practically slide right off of the eggs.  However, I don't know how this would affect the shell if you were dying or painting the eggs.  I'm kind of curious, though, to see what would happen if you put a baking soda boiled egg into a vinegar-based dye.  Would the egg explode?  (For those who don't know what I'm talking about, go put some baking soda in a bowl and dump in some vinegar.  See what happens.  It's fun, and makes an excellent cleaner.  Go on, we'll wait.)

Unpeeled boiled egg.  Boring, huh?

Look how pretty that came out!

So, yeah, dump some baking soda into the water while you're boiling eggs.  You don't need much, just a tablespoon or so for a small pot of eggs (like what I did above) should do the trick.  Obviously, if you are make a shit ton of eggs, you'll want to add much more baking soda.  Makes peeling them SO much easier!

Go eat some eggs!

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